Timeline of Memorial Project

March 2021
Project Adopted by the Fresno Sheriff’s Sergeants Association Membership.
Memorial Committee Established and Creation of Preliminary Design Concepts.

June - December 2021
Memorial Design Firm Researched, Vetted, and Hired
Design Concepts, Renderings, Cost Estimates

March 2022
Sheriff Margaret Mims Phase 1 Approval of Memorial Project Design
Fresno Sheriff’s Memorial Foundation established and Non Profit Status Granted

June 2022
Fresno County Board of Supervisors unanimously approves Project

September 2022
Launch of

Phase 1

Fresno Sheriff Memorial
Phase 1 of the project includes funding the initial design and concept for the Memorial, funding the primary Wall of Honor and other key features, and endowing the Family Financial Relief fund with capital necessary to support a response to a line of duty death. Its success will greatly impact the momentum to reach our goals of establishing the Memorial Center, providing financial relief to families, and paying tribute to our fallen heroes.

Phase 2
Memorial Expansion
& Statues
Due to overwhelming support from the community, in late 2022, expansion of the initial Memorial Project was approved. The footprint and scope of work grew to encompass nearly 4x the original proposed design of the Memorial, allowing more visitors to enjoy the reflection and solace offered at the Memorial. The Memorial Design has been enhanced and now includes a spacious Memorial Courtyard, Donor Garden, custom made personalized Memorial Statues, and other intentional design details that draw the visitors’ attention to the sacrifices made and traditions of law enforcement. The Memorial Expansion footprint encompasses the long-term plan of working with the future Memorial Center, organized field trips for Fresno County students, and a curriculum that details the history of the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office dating back to 1856.
Memorial Features
Within the Memorial, interpretive exhibit signs will be present to help explain the intent and design elements of all the major features built into the memorial. We have included a partial list of some of these features, as well as some of the narrative representations. There was much time and effort put into each design element by the committee and the architect, with the specific desire to have all parts, large and small, express the solemn gratitude and tribute each of the members represented on the Wall of Honor deserve.
Wall of Honor
Marble Lion
Marble Cenotaph
Bronze Wreath
Sierra Mountain Range - Granite
Coastal Mountain Range – Diablo Specimen
Kings River Basin – East Range
San Joaquin River Basin – West Range
6 Memorial Rocks – 6 Values of the Sheriff’s Office
Memorial Courtyard – Valley Floor
Eternal Flame
End-Of Watch Map of Fresno County
Eastern Quote Wall
Memorial Gateway
“In Valor there is Hope” - Metal Impression
Bronze Sheriff Seal with Black Granite Swath
6 Bollard Lights – 6 Points of light of the Sheriff Star
Seats of Reflection – Stone Benches
Memorial Monument Sign
Memorial Center Canopy
Sheriff Memorial Fence
Memorial Donor Garden
Family Time Capsules
Memorial Center Banners – Light Posts
* This is a partial list

Tribute Statues
Riderless Horse Statue
Swearing-in Wall Statute
Honor Guard Bagpiper Statue
Flag Presentation Statue (Mother)
Flag Presentation Statue (Child)
Honor Guard Statue (Male)
Honor Guard Statue (Female)
These are the proposed tribute statues for the Memorial. The statues pictured in this section are examples of the types and style we will pursue. We are actively searching and engaging artists to help facilitate renderings for our project.

Riderless Horse Statue

Swearing-in Ceremony - Wall Statue
Overlooking the Memorial will be a bagpiper statue whose solemn presence sets the reverent tone upon
which the Memorial is designed to be experienced. The hauntingly beautiful sounds of the bagpipes are a recognized tradition and honor at law enforcement funerals. The bagpiper often precedes the casket of the fallen to their final resting place, echoing out for all to hear that “This is the place we honor a hero.” The solemn sounds call out to the community to join with us in our grief and mourning, to pay tribute to a friend and comrade.

Presentation of
the Folded Flag
Within the Memorial a grieving widow and child will sit gazing upon the names of The Fallen. Beside them will be a folded American flag which was presented to them at the funeral of their loved one, who died while in service to our community. The American flag is always draped over the coffin of the fallen until it reaches the final resting place. Honor Guard members then fold the flag and present it to the surviving family. The folded flag embodies the last moments a family has with their loved one before they are laid to eternal rest. Long after the funeral and final internment, the folded flag is a reminder to the survivors that their loved one did not die in vain.

Presentation of
the Folded Flag
Within the Memorial a grieving widow and child will sit gazing upon the names of The Fallen. Beside them will be a folded American flag which was presented to them at the funeral of their loved one, who died while in service to our community. The American flag is always draped over the coffin of the fallen until it reaches the final resting place. Honor Guard members then fold the flag and present it to the surviving family. The folded flag embodies the last moments a family has with their loved one before they are laid to eternal rest. Long after the funeral and final internment, the folded flag is a reminder to the survivors that their loved one did not die in vain.

Phase 3
Fresno Sheriff’s
Memorial Center
The Fresno Sheriff’s Memorial Foundation is currently in the conceptual stages of planning an Educational and Community Center. The Center will be a major part of the Fresno Sheriff Memorial, and work together to enhance the experience of all guests who visit the site. We are specifically focusing our efforts on reaching school children and partnering with schools and educational groups to make this a field trip destination. The Memorial Center will be State of the Art and will include approximately 20 exhibits:
Types of Exhibits
Interactive Kiosks
Video Screens
Hands on Activity
Historical Displays
Video Documentaries
Scenario Training
Possible Exhibit Topics
Wall of Honor
Sheriff’s Of Fresno County
Units of the Sheriff’s Office
Famous Crimes
Equipment through the years
Character Education
Crime Prevention